

HispaDutch inc.
Name HispaDutch inc.
Ticker HIDU
Alliance -
Faction -
Members 4
URL http://too be continued
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 519967201

Members [4]


u'Espa\xf1ol / South African / Nederlands Corp
Mining / PVE
New Player Training

We train new players in many aspects of the game and have active players, if the player in question is interested in pvp we can help in basic and specialized training and then if the said player is willing to join our brother corp W.A.S.P which is a pvp primary corp for what ever period of time.

We have players experienced in industry and planentry interaction if thats your career of progression.

If your a semi active player interested in missions we can help in raising your standings and help in areas of ships/skills/general knowhow.

Please don\'t expect us to hold your hand all the way we will help only players willing to help them selve\'s with ships isk and items our corp members are helpful, friendly and experienced but we dont tolerate lazy players we expect a certain lvl of player interaction eg: mission opps, mining, and your specialized field of interest as with misison and mining these are moslty doen in opps (more than one player).

If you wish to get into mining for isk or as a career we can help and support you along the way in wormhole mining and low sec mining with info, advise for safty we dont want our members dying becouse they dont know the rules and safty some members will stand guard in low sec places and when we do wormhole opps.

If your a seasoned player just looking for a corp we welcome you, you will interact with newer players and teach the next generation of eve players while also dealing with fleet opps in missions scanned down sites and wormholes.

Our aim is to build a 30 active member corp in an allience and have pos in wh low sec and control systems in 0.0 secs, we have now started in the manufactoring area of the game and welcome more industy literate players we hae begun selling and buillding funds for our members to lighten the burden of eve if only a little.

pleae note that we will we try our best to give our members a full eve experience as some of our players are still new and dont understand the hardships of eve.

With Regards:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:27:34
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