

Hold my bong and watch this
Name Hold my bong and watch this
Ticker 64565
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Me So Hawt
Members 6
Tax Rate 0.9%
corporationID 98368283

Members [6]


u'We like big butts, daddy issues, sitting in dark holes and smoking fat bowls.


If and when, we offend you, We( Hold my bong and watch this ) are not liable in any way, shape or form. Our lawyers insist on informing you that, We( Hold my bong and watch this ) do not fucking care about your feelings. We are not sorry for being bad at this game. If We( Hold my bong and watch this ) destroy your ship, we ask that you please send us all of your isk to the corp bank account because we are broke AF. Any actions taken in EVE Online\u2122, is in no way, shape or form reflected onto the real life pilots that operate within Hold my bong and watch this. Have a wonderful fucking day.

Love: Me So Hawt

For complaints: Go fuck yourself. '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 21:12:19
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API J:21 Mar 23:49 K:21 Mar 23:54 C:22 Mar 00:05 A:22 Mar 00:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 23:57 S:21 Mar 23:47 W:21 Mar 23:15