

Hometown Ore-Works and Freight
Name Hometown Ore-Works and Freight
Ticker HOWAF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lancelot Havetta
Members 14
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98619739

Members [14]


Here at Hometown, we strive to fullfill all your Ore, MFG, and Shipping needs. Our friendly, knowledgable staff is happy to help with whatever you desire!

Y'all pilots think flying solo is fun? Well, lemme tell ya something: Nothing beats a good day of truckin' huge loads to fill up your friend's boostie. You wanna manufacture; create the entire lot of what people buy? Interested in how to profit while still having fun? Join HOWAF today, and realize just how big a load you can pull!

Operating mainly in High Security Space, Hometown is intended to be a friendly place with a hometown neighboorhood feel. We offer a Hi-sec system with our own custom refinery and MFG station. We have pilots focused in Freight, Orca Boosting, Manufacturing, Reprocessing, and a little Pew Pew too.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 08:15:50
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