

House of Dzur
Name House of Dzur
Ticker DZUR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Vlad Talltos
Members 2
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 1124909388

Members [2]


The house of Dzur is currently engaged in exploring the opportunities provided in and around the Khanid Kingdom Low security space.

DZUR runs a NRDS policy

Current tax rate will drop to 5% if and when new pilots join.

Turret and Respective Ammo Break Down

Resists to Equip

Angel - Kinetic, EM, Thermal ; Explosive
Blood - EM Thermal
Drones - Kinetic, EM, Explosive
Guristas - Kinetic Thermal
Mercenary - Kinetic, EM, Thermal Explosive
Mordus - Kinetic Thermal
Sansha - EM Thermal
Serpentis - Kinetic Thermal

Damage Types to Shoot

Angel - Explosive
Blood - Thermal
Drones - EM
Guristas - Kinetic
Mercenary - Thermal
Mordus - Thermal Kinetic
Sansha - Thermal
Serpentis - Thermal

Cosmic Anamoly List

1 = Hideaway or Drone Cluster (easiest)
2 = Burrow or Drone Collection
3 = Refuge or Drone Assembly
4 = Den or Drone Gathering
5 = Yard or Drone Surveillance
6 = Rally Point or Drone Menagerie
7 = Port or Drone Herd
8 = Hub or Drone Squad
9 = Haven or Drone Patrol
10 = Sanctum or Drone Horde (hardest)

Anamoly Difficulty Ranks (4)

Level 1 = Anomaly Class (easiest)
Level 2 = Hidden + Anomaly Class
Level 3 = Forsaken + Anomaly Class
Level 4 = Forlorn + Anomaly Class (hardest)

Cosmic Signature Breakdown:
Ladar = Gas Clouds, need Gas Cloud Harvester
Gravimetric = Asteroid Belts, need a miner
Radar = Data Sites, need Codebreaker
Magnetometric = Archaeological Sites, need Analyzer
Unknown = Encounters and/or WH



Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 07:39:52
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