

House of Kahless
Quantum Cafe
Name House of Kahless
Ticker BATLH
Alliance Quantum Cafe
Faction -
Ceo Kahless
Members 8
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98165074

Members [8]


A house forever under construction.... because eve is all about destruction and of course resource gathering, construction and then the delicious destruction :)

I have no need for more members in my corp but if you would like to present me with an application then first you must join channel kaplah for an introduction. You can also evemail Kahless if you have any questions.

A few tidbits of useful info.
My interests atm are building ships of all kinds, planetary interaction, reactions, invention and exploration.
New players need not worry about ISK or basic ships and mods.
Older players can get access to pretty much whatever they want to do, but that might mean you will be talking with another CEO or director in our coalition.
Yes I have been playing the game since the BETA and im Icelandic.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 08:19:36
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