

Hungarian Space Defenders Reloaded
Name Hungarian Space Defenders Reloaded
Ticker HSP-R
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Csasza Altuleana
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98127389

Members [1]


u'~ CVA Friendly ~

~ HUN ~
Mi egy Magyar c\xe9g vagyunk. A csapat magj\xe1t "RL" BAR\xc1TI, CSAL\xc1DI t\xe1rsas\xe1g alkotja. Nem toborzunk, ez\xe9rt csatlakozni CSAK megh\xedv\xe1s alapj\xe1n lehet hozz\xe1nk.

Jelenleg Amarr ter\xfcleten \xe9l\xfcnk. Az \xe9rdekl\u0151d\xe9si k\xf6r\xfcnk v\xe1ltoz\xf3. F\u0151k\xe9nt k\xfcldiz\xe9ssel \xe9s b\xe1ny\xe1szattal \xfctj\xfck el az id\u0151nket, de a pvp sincs ellen\xfcnkre.

Ha k\xe9rd\xe9sed van hozz\xe1nk, vagy csak csevegni szeretn\xe9l vel\xfcnk, akkor megtal\xe1lhatsz minket a publikus szob\xe1nkban:
1 -kattints a chat ablak jobb fels\u0151 sark\xe1ban l\xe9v\u0151 "Open channel window" gombra,
2 -a keres\u0151 mez\u0151be \xedrd be, hogy "[HSP-R] - Public",
3 -kattints a "Join" gombra,
4 -kezd\u0151dhet a csevej.

~ ENG ~
We are a Hungaryan company. The core team forms of real life FRIENDS and FAMILY members. We don\'t recruit, so you can join by invitation ONLY.
Currently we are live in Amarr space. Our interest is mainly do missions, mining andi pvp if it necessary.

If you have questions about us or just want to chat with us, you will find us in our public room.

1 -click on the chat box at the top right corner of the "Open channel window" button,
2 -in the search box type in "[HSP-R] - Public",
3 -click on the "Join" button,
4 -let the party begin.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 04:42:53
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