

Name INF3RN0.
Ticker F3RN0
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Cane Inferno
Members 22
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98072439

Members [22]


u'Newly Formed PvP Merc Corp - Open Recruitment "INF3RN0." public channel

Our Vision: Get your monies worth when you hire us. We will scout your targets, plant spais, roam through high/low/0.0 sec, log off traps, camp low sec boarder high sec, camp trade hubs, sov warfare, pos bashing, capital hot drops and much more. You will get experianced active pvp vets from Privateers, 0rphanage, Pandemic Legion, Triumvirate etc.

Pricing & Contact: Cane Inferno

The night is darkening around me.
The trees reach their shadows toward thee,
Only the moon can hear my plea.
And knows of my want to be free

All the while I hear the screams of dead,
Revolving in my head.
This devil\u2019s curse! This devil\u2019s curse!
Cannot get any worse.

Until I grow my claws,
Out of my furry, paws.
And a large howl,
Emerges from my growl.

Now made to do the devil\u2019s work.
(Who has made me so berserk.)
Now only able to kill.
I must fulfill his will.

Now I must make the blood, shed,
And show it\u2019s dark, glossy, red.
But forever I\u2019ll hate,
For my horrible fate.

So, now all I do,
Is continue to pursue,
If only there was one who could break my chains,
And destroy the devil, without leaving remains.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 14:24:51
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