

Name IRunNaked
Ticker IRUN.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Pixie Petra
Members 1
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98160862

Members [1]


IRunNaked is and always will be intended as a fun, friendly environment for players of all experience levels. You do not need skill points to join this corporation.
If you enjoy the company of those able to have a laugh, or if you're looking to run some missions or expeditions with fellow corp mates, IRunNaked has all of that, and more.

What we do;
- Missions Level 1 - 4
- High sec Mining
- Low Sec Fleet Mining Op
- DED space expeditions
- Wormhole exploration
and whatever else we feel like doing at the time.

What we're looking for!
- Miners
- Missioners
- Explorers
And everyone else!

What we would like to achieve in this corp is a good, friendly environment for every kind of player, where we can do regular missions with the fleet, along with mining ops and WH roams.

If you're interested, contact either Tex Lateralus, or go ahead and apply to join.

(Any applications should explain why you are wanting to join, where you heard about us, and what you're interested in achieving within the corporation. No worries, we're not exactly strict.)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 08:37:20
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