

Immortalis Fratres Vacui
Name Immortalis Fratres Vacui
Ticker IM-FV
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kethok Hellion
Members 11
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98261727

Members [11]


Within My heart I hear the cry
Of loves that suffer, souls that die,
And you may have no praise from me
For warfare's vast vulgarity;
Only the flag of love, unfurled
For peace above a weeping world,
I follow, though the fiery breath
of murder shrivel me in death.
Yet here I stand and bow my head
To those whom other banners led,
Because within their hearts the clang
Of freedom's summoningtrumpets rang,
Because they welcomed grisly pain
And laughed at prudence, mocked at gain,
With noble hope and courage high,
And taught our manhood how to die.
Praise, praise and love be theirs who came
From that red hell of stench and flame,
Staggering, bloddy, in gloomiest night,
Their own hearts drummed them to the fight.
'John Le Gay Brereton

Immortalis Fratres Vacui - Immortal Blood Brothers.
Sanguis crassior aquae - Blood is thicker than water.
IM-FV Recruitment Lounge
*We Honour Ransoms.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-23 20:21:51
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