

Impromptu Asset Requisition
Name Impromptu Asset Requisition
Ticker ADLIB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tul Breetai
Members 9
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98141900

Members [9]


u'Conquestum Ad Libitum

\u2022Knowing that the fight may be over before it has begun, I seek to engage others only on my terms.

\u2022I earn my own ISK and buy my own ships and supplies. I may share from my abundance with less fortunate Frauders, and I may accept their largesse in turn. I split loot equitably with my gangmates, being especially gracious with those who have suffered material loss.

\u2022I appreciate the opportunity of flying with my Frauder comrades, thereby multiplying target opportunities. Frauders learn from one another and Frauders learn by doing.

\u2022I respect all my opponents, win, lose, or draw. I always volunteer a "gf." I am free with my praise and criticism with a receptive foe. I invite those with promise to consider becoming a Frauder.

\u2022I relish opportunities to win a ransom, as prudence allows. If I am given the ransom I demand, or if I accept a ransom offer, I will honor that ransom. I will clearly communicate the terms and time limit of any ransom, and honor those terms before re-engaging a target. If I accidentally kill a target after receiving a ransom, or if I receive a ransom after having destroyed my target, I will return the ransom immediately.

\u2022I don\'t talk smack. My actions speak for themselves.

\u2022I don\'t engage in consensual PVP (1-vs-1s or duels), for I wish to engage others only on my terms, and other pilots may be dishonorable. But as for me, should I ever accept a 1v1 or a duel, I shall honor it.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 21:36:04
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