

In Tergo Nostra
Name In Tergo Nostra
Ticker TERGO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Minmatar Citizen 92501633
Members 1
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 98090082

Members [1]


Company Profile:
In Tergo Nostra (TERGO) is a multifaceted company involved in raw mineral extraction, efficient refining, production and research. TERGO has dedicated leadership that puts it at the forefront of the New Eden industrial community. In addition to the ground-level harvesting and production, TERGO also benefits from experienced planetary interaction colony models, high speed and high capacity logistics as well as defensive and offensive combat skills. TERGO is not broken down into divisions. Anyone is free to peruse any activity and they can expect the support of the leadership. TERGO's operations are lean and each member has the ability to participate as they see fit. TERGO's ability to shift gears and take on new jobs makes us standout amongst the larger corporations. We are willing to do anything; take on any job to succeed.

High Sec Research/Manufacturing POS
Dedicated Leadership
Veteran (helpful & mature members)
Logistical Support/Orca Mining)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 17:18:46
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