Name |
Independent In Space |
Ticker |
Alliance |
- |
Faction |
- |
Ceo |
Zerenity |
Members |
441 |
- |
Tax Rate |
5% |
corporationID |
98739226 |
Members [441]
u"kleine \xfcberschaubare corp offen f\xfcr neuanf\xe4nger und veteranen welche gern das ruhige spiel bevorzugen.
wir legen wert auf ein nettes miiteinander und keine pflicht zu irgendwas
wir minern meist high sec, spielen pve, handel, produktion, kein interesse an pvp
wer es chillig mag und einfach nebenher spielen mag, ab und zu interesse am netten gequatsche via ingame chat hat ist bei uns genau richtig
Small, manageable corp open to newcomers and veterans who prefer the quiet game.
We value a friendly relationship and no obligation to do anything
We mostly miner high sec, play pve, trade, production, no interest in pvp
If you like it chilled out and just like to play on the side, and are occasionally interested in having a nice chat via in-game chat, you've come to the right place"
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 20:04:58