

Industrial DeResolution
Name Industrial DeResolution
Ticker DERES
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Chromite
Members 11
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98127198

Members [11]


We are a WH corporation focused on the construction and destruction of space ship pixels. To this we are NBSI, nothing personal. We also build stuff to sell. Ask Chromite for a fair price on a new hull today.

Corp. Culture:
- WE are Friends.
- WE support Adult beverages.
- WE use real names.
- WE live in a Dark Corner, it's very Nice!
- WE all can build it and blow it up.
- WE support our alliance and it's optional spelling rules.

- If you can fly it chances are we can build it.
- Our mining fleet pissed of highsec people so we moved to W-Space.
- Members together replace corp. ships that go boom.
- We have a clue (orca/rorqual support, capital builders, etc)

- Members fly corp. PvP ships.
- Enter our home and we are contractually bound to shoot at you and explode your pixels.
- We do visit other WHs and role play as Vikings (loot, pillage,and leave only unborn bastards behind)
- We can and do fly capitals.


We here at DERES

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 18:14:12
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