

Industrial Experts of New Eden
Name Industrial Experts of New Eden
Ticker I-E-E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ross Snazelmeiste
Members 13
Tax Rate 4.2%
corporationID 98147546

Members [13]


Industrial Experts of New Eden are experts in Manurfacting, Trading, Invention and researching Blue Prints with a wide range of Capital Ship Blue Print Components and good standings with our Factions and skills we are able to provide very competitive prices on all our products we build. Ranging from ships, Weapons, Ammo and Items, As a result we can take on Hugh amounts of orders from corporations & Alliances who are looking for affordable, yet a fast solution hassle free.


1. Wide Range of Ships, Ammo, Items (were able to supply to most 0.5 systems or above on orders over 100million isk) or Contract setups

2. Capital Ship Components "Full Capital Ships Packages Private Contracts Setup"

3. Most Tech II Items and Ammo

4. Wide Range of Good M+E P+O Blue Print Copies

For A qoute or to place a order please contact me or Adon Blackheart, or email us with your order, also visit us in our orders channel "Industrial Experts Of New Eden Orders"

CEO -Blacksuns

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 08:32:54
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