

Industrial Space Workers Union
Name Industrial Space Workers Union
Ticker ISWU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Archbishop Rahl
Members 12
Tax Rate 5.5%
corporationID 98254182

Members [12]


u'New Eden has been evolving for more than a decade. With Capsuleers from all cultures and walks of life, one can be sure that it will continue to do so, barring some divine act of God. This Corporation is being built and structured to provide the largest, most comprehensive on-site manufacturing and distribution network possible. Yes, there is going to be a lot of pew pewing along the way.

While originally created several years ago, the founder answered the call to NULL Sec and never really came back out. The reports of the valuable resources, bounties and tactical locations, scattered throughout the free sectors of space, now calls us.

\u25cb Unique Democratic Corporate Infra-structure
\u25cb Dividends paid to successful share holders
\u25cb Roleplaying
\u25cb Market meddeling
\u25cb Fleet ops every other week for PvPers
\u25cb Vengence and bounty hunting for capsuleers looking to settle scores
\u25cb Up to Level 4 Minmatar Agents
\u25cb RL Nationality is inconsequential in the Space Union
\u25cb Don\'t just be a part of a Coporation\'s history, step up and take part in it\'s making.
\u25cb Member driven Corporate agenda

- This is a corp for mellow, fun-loving, grounded folks.
- We will adapt as neccessary to meet the needs of our members.
- Plans are in the works to get into NULL SEC.
- Respect for each other is paramount to our success.
- If your attitude stinks we will tell you. If our attitude stinks, tell us.

Recruiter: Archbishop Rahl
Founder: Recon Rahl'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 03:45:39
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