

InterMine Dynamic
Name InterMine Dynamic
Ticker IMIDY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Fulcres Taranogas
Members 4
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98156075

Members [4]



InterMine Dynamic is basically a mining-corporation, but as the name implies it's dynamic, and will probably expand to other professions. Our headquarter is in Minmatar high-security space, where there's lots of Plagioclase in the asteroid fields for those who prefer to mine in safe areas.

One of our goals would be to create an infrastructure where mining operations are organized and the corporation and its members profit from it.

If you're new to EVE this is a good corporation to join, where you'll learn the basics of mining, and maybe other professions too in the future.

If you're new to EVE and/or mining, the corporation could provide you with a free Mining Barge or economically support the purchase of one. We're friendly people who's only goal is to welcome new players, provide knowledge and increase the size and wealth of the corporation.

Please don't join this corporation if you have a trial account, as they tend to magically disappear.

Preferred language is English.

Hopefully we'll meat again!

Fly safe!

Alliance Contact: Achurra.

-Rapid Ellecon.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 20:14:54
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