

Interplex Engineered Products
Name Interplex Engineered Products
Ticker IEPML
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Johdiir Shardani
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98364584

Members [4]


Interplex Engineered Products is a small cap corporation that currently runs a multi-level production operation located in the Nibainkeir system. IEP creates all of their products with ores mined by our own corporation mining barges. We currently focus on building weapon systems and ship modifications from the ground up using our own ore supply. IEP obtains a new patent to build additional products every day or two, increasing our ability to put our product into customers hands. IEP is a publicly owned company and shares can be purchased by any member of EVE online. Our current share price can be found below. Each share gives your partial ownership of the company and each share also counts as one vote during any corporation voting sessions. Purchasing shares is perminant and once owned can be transfered to any player or corporation you desire. As the corp. grows the shareprice will slightly increase due to larger profits. Stay up to date with corp news and shareprices! Let's make some ISK together!!

Investment questions: All questions pertaining to the eve investment system can be directed to our CEO/CFO Johdiir Shardani.

Current Shareprice: 1,000,000 ISK
Shares Available: 885

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 09:31:04
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