Good people working in small groups towards large goals.
Civilized Scientific, Industrialist...
(No Piracy... Friendly, Non-Pirate PvP'ers welcome...)
"You are what you practice... "
Role-Play is a powerful tool for shaping the character of ones mind...
We do not encourage people to practice the ideologies of Murder, Fear and Greed...
Diplomacy is the mark of evolved human beings...
Brutal dominance sponsored by totalitarian egotism, mirrors the plight of the animal, trapped in it's own selfish nature...doomed to another cycle of the wheel...
Free your mind of the "animal"...
Rise up and join the Heavens...
Practice being Human and Humane...
The worlds need more Compassion, not the other..."
[I-C-O-N channel for public chat]
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 20:52:56