

Interstellar Illumination
Name Interstellar Illumination
Ticker INTLU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rakchii
Members 21
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98602988

Members [21]


An established corporation with opportunities for old and new players. One thing we have over other corporations is future goals and ambitions. If you are even somewhat interested in Interstellar Illumination, hop on over to our recruitment channel:
Interstellar Illumination Recruitment

--"We specialize in helping illuminate the path to success"--

Features include:
-C5 Wormhole Life w/ C5 Static
-Full Indy Support
-Moon Mining (We give boosts)
-Data/Relic Sites
-Gas Harvesting
-Fleet Support
-Plenty of good knowledge to share
-Newbro Handouts
-Buyback Program

-Recruit New Players
-Expand The Success Of II Members

Recruitment Status: OPEN

Recruitment Channel: Interstellar Illumination Recruitment
Or EVEMail netolun with any questions

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 23:46:49
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