

Interstellar Intelligence Authority
Name Interstellar Intelligence Authority
Ticker I-IA
Alliance Lollipops.
Faction -
Ceo Athena Taraliam
Members 5
Tax Rate 3.5%
corporationID 98351978

Members [5]


u'\u2013 Interstellar Intelligence Authority

Was Founded to be an Intelligence Security Corporation Expert in All-Source Analysis Focused On Military Intelligence Data, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Reconnaissance, Security, and Special Operations.

\u25a0 Our Vision:

One Team of Highly Skilled, And Agile Professionals Who Can Adapt Operationally.
Obtain the Knowledge, And the Required Skills to Secure Our Corporation\u2019s Interests at the Interstellar-Level.

\u25a0 Values:

We are committed to:
Teamwork, Integrity, and Excellence.

\u25a0 Careers:

Intelligence Division:

Intelligence - Infiltration - Surveillance - Target Acquisition - Reconnaissance.

Directive Enforcement Division:
Special Operations - Security.

\u25a0 Divisions Objectives:

\u278a- The Intelligence Division handles Special Reconnaissance, Infiltration, and All-Source Intelligence Operations to Achieve Our Military Objectives, Strategic Goals, and Secure Our Interests.

\u278b- The Directive Enforcement Division is an Elite Strike Force Responsible for Carrying Out Special Classified Assignments.

CEO: Athena Taraliam
Security Operations & Contracts: Carol Nits
Recruitment: Angelina Lelium U.S. & Illyriana Charmeine Eu
Diplomacy: Carol Nits

Channel: Interstellar Intelligence Authority

\u2622 Due to the nature of our Interests, Further Information are considered Sensitive and Classified.

Please Contact the Concerned Person for any Clarifications or Info.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 06:15:12
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