

Interstellar Mindflood Dealers Association
House Raiding Comms
Name Interstellar Mindflood Dealers Association
Ticker THUGM
Alliance House Raiding Comms
Faction -
Ceo Abhovan Hanaya
Members 1
Tax Rate 1.5%
corporationID 98772725

Members [1]


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|-----We will be the first to put the square peg in the round hole.-----|

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Our content lies in angel cartel faction warfare in lowsec. We are a member of the House Raiding Comms alliance

For diplo or whatever the hell else you want, hit up lil tism or AztecNightmare365

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|-----Live, Laugh, Thrasher.-----| 3=====D

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Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 04:58:54
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