

Iron-Pulse Inc.
Name Iron-Pulse Inc.
Ticker -IPI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo drblue917
Members 14
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 786883998

Members [14]


*~_*~_*~_*~_| We are Recruiting |*~_*~_*~_*~_

We are Corporation thats mainly pointed more toward Industry inorder to get established.

We are in need of more members to acomplish some goals we have such as
-looking for Mission runners and salvagers to work together. (we are able to do lvl4's with more members levels 5's soon)
-salvaging to get materials to build things such as ships/mods and supply them back to the corp/sell on.
-Hauling is going to be another big part of IP with getting the core materials for building.(new point system soon to be inplace)
-Miners are needed to get the recourses needed for most of our operations so again we plan to make some mining ops top priority.

We offer:-
~A good friendly player environment, always willing to help each other out.
~Good support team mission runners, salvagers and more.
~Currently residing in Caldari space lonetrek~Torrinos.
~online times are weekdays 18:00 - 00:00 weekends is on earlier til later.
~We use teamspeak as a more effecient means of communication.
~Minning ops
~Builders to build ships and equipment.
~Mission and joint salvaging runs
~Ship backup system - (depending on the ship we can replace it if it gets blown up. otherwise supply us with mats and bpo we will build it for you)
~corp share system (we have a basic store of ships mods and equipts for our members to use to fit our thier ships)
~noob friendly (we have a good supporting members that will gives advice and answers your questions)

and alot more, we dont have a skill point requirement but we do ask you to join us on teamspeak and get aquainted.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 13:30:42
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