

J Brothers LTD
Name J Brothers LTD
Ticker J BRO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Philipe Jorge
Members 16
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98732815

Members [16]


Three capsuleers entered a very crowded bar on Vecamia VII - Moon 5 - Imperial Shipment Storage station and ended up sitting next to each other at the bar, Each could see that the other was a 'foriegner' but still they ended up sitting side by side. As the drinks flowed and the offers for more continued, their conversations did too. All three realized that they were part of a very unique race, humans, and that no matter their own political feelings, that was ok.

Their talk turned to their business in Vecamia and they again found commonality, each oppotunists, miners, traders and industrialists. Each with the desire to find a purpose in this great emptiness of space and with their own broken lives. A spark was born and each could see the future in their own eyes and the eyes of the other two.

The Three set off to find a Corp to learn from, then ventured out on thier own forming the J Brothers LTD. The meaning of the name you might ask? Each has a J in their name and they are like brothers. Their goal, to unite humankind while making isk off of the darker side of the politics and wars around them.

"WAR is always good for business." Philipe Jorge, co-founder of J Brothers LTD.

"Give a capsuleer a ship, he will only gank. TEACH a capsuleer to build, he will build ships for the gankers and get rich doing it!" Philipe Jorge

Drop by and say hi at Wormhole Whisperers

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 10:45:05
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