

Jova Star Minning
Name Jova Star Minning
Ticker JOSTM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jova Kanjus
Members 9
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98511984

Members [9]


Unsure about which Corporation to join? Eve politics seem overwhelming? While you decide your long-term plans in EVE why not join Jova Star Mining.

Jova Star Mining is first and foremost a way for new players to save ISK early on and meet other new players while you begin your adventures in New Eden. We're always looking for new players who are looking to have fun and we are ready to welcome you to our team.

Although we are currently based in Hi-Sec we have plans on establishing both Lo-Sec and Null-Sec bases in the near future.

Our main division is focused on Indy/mining with plans of expanding are PVE, PVP and Trade. What this means for you is the ability to gather many of the resources you'll need to build or buy the supplies and ships you need for your advancement through the game.

If at a later time you wish to find a more focused corp, we will be happy to help you.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-17 21:07:58
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