

JumpDrive Inc
Name JumpDrive Inc
Ticker JUMPD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Notdearly
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 617054573

Members [1]


We have started on our new corporate mission:
'Keeping an Eye on the News'

It is our vision to seek out news stories throughout the universe and report back, the unbiased truthfull version to all those concerned. We aim at doing so through invitation to fly along side your troups and through video, com and bystanding seek the development of your story for reporting.

Jumpdrive is now RECRUITING! Convo Notnearly OnEnough for info. and feel free to enter our channels
JUMPD-Public (ooc)
JUMPD-meets (a place where IC conversations can happen between all parties to the story)

Jumpdrive Inc is an neutral corp. We are a fun corporation, you are free to pursue whatever profession you prefer. We need haulers, traders, security, miners, and anyone who just loves missioning and ratting. But most importantly we seek reporters and galanet bloggers who are able to share in your words, the truth

We observe a NRDS Policy, unless we just don't like you!

Management positions are available and we have a low tax rate of 10%. Fly safe!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 09:15:22
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API J:15 Mar 14:37 K:15 Mar 14:34 C:15 Mar 15:14 A:15 Mar 15:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:15 Mar 15:12 S:15 Mar 14:47 W:15 Mar 15:15