

Just A Corp
Name Just A Corp
Ticker JUAC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Amoruk
Members 2
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98052065

Members [2]


The J.U.A.C. Corporation is a young community of both experienced and new pilots with the will and endurance to make this corp of interest for a wide varieties of players. Of course, we don't want to get lost in space with too many goals at the same time.
So for the moment, we just stick to a few of the many possibilities EVE has to offer. In the future we are definately planning to embrace more.

Our main goal is to work together, to learn from each other, to allow misstakes and do it next time better!

Make yourself at home!

Best wishes - The J.U.A.C. Management


- Missions
- Skill training
- Mining
- Science and Production
- Trade and Accounting

- PvP training
- Amomalies and Wormholes

If you have any question, you can join our public channel in eve:
J.U.A.C. - Just A Corp


I will lead the fleet, my laser into the space
Sons of the universe fight to die and live again
Battleships cross the sun, in solar wind and Comets with blazing tails
Fly into the black of night magic stars our guiding light

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 08:03:41
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