

KVK Refugee camp
Name KVK Refugee camp
Ticker KVKR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Acranooo
Members 9
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1714633005

Members [9]


u'KVK Refugee camp is new home for capsuleers who lost their home and hope.
Join your new home now, brother/sister.

We Make Cakes!! We celebrate Cake Day on February 30th.
CEO: Kirillrost
Directors: Kraretto, Acranoo, PrincesseVera

== The recruitiment is always OPEN for the right ones ==
(Please Do Not Apply before finish reading our corp description, Thank You)

What KVK offers you:
\u2663 Casual pilot friendly, new pilot friendly, and carebear friendly.
\u2663 Real life comes first!
\u2663 Ship replacement programs for your exploded ship!
\u2663 No mandatory operations!
\u2663 Follow NRDS (Not Red Don\'t Shoot) rule in 0.0 and lowsec.
\u2663 Null sec small gang to have fun, large fleet to defend our friends.
\u2663 Corp Killboard !
\u2663 Humer, warmness, some love and some cakes!

We are looking for :
\u2663 Nullsec PVPers and PVEers/Highsec PVEers
\u2663 No pirates!
\u2663 No trial accounts!
\u2663 Main characters only
\u2663 Cake lovers

\u2663 Decent english skills.
\u2663 Chat a lot, seriously.
\u2663 Account wide API key with basic character informations.
\u2663 Active around EVE downtime (AU/NZ/Japan/Korea/Taiwan timezone)
\u2663 Believe the cake is real!


Please send an EVE mail to our recruiter PrincesseVera before you apply. We will arrange an interview for you. Be prepared to accept any outcome given by KVK Refugee Camp regarding your application, Thank You.
*If you haven\'t included the above information in your mail you will be rejected!'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 07:29:48
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