

Kador Systems
Name Kador Systems
Ticker K SYS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo eyedontknow
Members 1
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98096958

Members [1]


We have a Freighter Service and Transport Service Available to the Public here is the following Rates :

The contracts must be made out to Kador Systems as a private courier contract, and the
Courier should not exceed 900k m3 and is Maximum size that is accepted,
the cost per trip is 375k per jump. Same-system trips cost 375,000 (same as a 1 jump trip)
- Expiration and Delivery time should be 14 days (there will be mulitple jumps weekly and should not take any more then a day or two).
- No containers in the contract. This is critical for neutral freighter pilots.

We have the following freighters available: Charon,Providence

Maximum collateral: 1billionISK (if you need more collateral, split goods into multiple contracts)
Correct reward, (tips are allowed, but will not guarantee a speedier delivery time)

Most rigged ships can now be moved with a freighter, inside a courier contract. The unpackaged volume of the ship has to be 860,000m3 or less.

List of rigged ships that can be transported in courier packages unpackaged (list is not exhaustive)

Assault ships, Covert ops, Cruisers, Destroyers, Electronic attack frigates, Frigates, Heavy Assault ships, Heavy Interdictors, Interdictors, Interceptors, Logistics, Procurer, Recon Ships, Shuttles, Skiffs, Battlecruisers, Battleships,Blackops, Covetors, Hulks, Mackinaws, Retrievers, Industrials,Transport ships

HighSec Hauler Service

Max collateral: 50,000,000 ISK
Max cargo size: 38,000 m3
Rate per Jump: 32,000 ISK

Please make private contracts to "Kador Systems"
Expiration and Delivery time should be 14 days (there will be mulitple jumps weekly and should not take any more then a day or two).
All Jumps must be Continuous HighSec
Correct Reward for the number of jumps to be done

Driving sustainable competitive advantage for our customers by getting their products to market faster and more efficiently
Whatever their size, our customers can rely on us to draw on our local insight and global scale to deliver value across every aspect of the supply chain
Providing a range of industry-specific solutions throughout the supply chain
From planning, sourcing, production, storage, configuration and delivery to after-sales, our customers can rely on us to provide robust solutions that work for any Need, in any environment, no matter how demanding.
Using our industry and supply chain expertise to turn complex customer requirements into flexible solutions which meet customer challenges head-on
By understanding their issues and anticipating their logistics needs in an ever changing environment, our customers can rely on the quality and expertise of our global, regional and local teams.
Delivering consistently excellent operations
Our customers can rely on solutions that work harder for their business through our commitment to innovation and our disciplined approach to performance measurement, quality assurance, project management, environmental management and process improvement.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 20:36:11
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