

Name Kimtec
Ticker KIMTE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dagalur Gelion
Members 31
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98306467

Members [31]


Kimtec is a tight nit null sec corporation within EVE Online, our corporation focuses on the PvP and PvE aspects of EVE along with some industry and wormholes. The expeirence of our members varies from very new to long time players. We have lived in Sov for over a year.

What we offer:

- Teamspeak 3 Server
- PvP Roams Daily
- Paying out 25% of Home Deffennce Kills
- Fully fit PvP ships for Roams at Base Cost or Free
- Corporation PVP tournaments
- 2 Sov systems that has a full range of PvE and mining anomalies
- A very low Fixed tax rate of 8%
- Have a In Corp Raffle set up with fully fit ships to Win.

Please join this channel Kimtec Recruit to recieve the necessary information on how to send your application correctly,
- We Need a Full API in your Application
- No Expiery and Everything Open to See

*Corp DIplo's:
Krogith Bane

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 07:17:26
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API J:18 Mar 09:38 K:18 Mar 09:34 C:18 Mar 10:12 A:18 Mar 10:03 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:18 Mar 09:48 S:18 Mar 09:33 W:18 Mar 09:15