

Name Knight-Nova
Ticker KN0VA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo GalaxyKnighter
Members 74
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98582836

Members [74]


As a young man GalaxyKnighter roamed the dark corners of space picking at the shiny rocks he could find before anyone could find him. For years he would creep from system to system slowly building his ability to blend in and hide and find the rare gems. Having very little human companions he formed lasting bonds with his ships.

What GalaxyKnighter didn't know was hurting him, Being alone in the dark corners of space was never safe. You were always 7 seconds from death. No matter how well you hide, how careful you are, if you're alone you don't stand a chance. GalaxyKnighter found this out the hard way. All the ships he loved burned at the hands of people in groups.

Knight-Nova was founded by GalaxyKnighter with the intention to create safety in community and skills. If you enjoy the exploration and exploitation of New Eden or the thrill of combat with ether player or environment this could be the family you have been looking for.

We have many options for the new or returning player:
*Fleet Mining
*Moon Mining
*Wormhole Exploitation and PvP
*New player and alpha friendly
*Experience is Rewarded
*0.0 Tax
Knight-Nova - Explore Fight Mine Build Together KN0VA

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-24 07:07:09
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