

Knights Of Eve GE
Name Knights Of Eve GE
Ticker KOEGE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Arance Trayz
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98148430

Members [1]


Vanguards for industry, millitary and business. Knights Of Eve GE is a prosperous, meddling & self-righteous corporation, that takes great pride in liberty and democracy. In the believe that every member can make a difference, earning experience through effort and trust through participation in hard work. Every member is equally valued and have a say in our business. Focusing on all kinds of ventures, Knights Of Eve GE is determined to complete its milestones.

Key members:
CEO Armen
Director Airk


Current Milestones:
- Form an adminitrative directorate, that will shape the future of the corporation.
- Build up the three divisions: Military, Industry & Business.
- Recruit active, serious and mature members, that have an interest in building an prosperous corporation.
- Venture into low-security systems, to conduct combat operations and starbase management.
- Venture into null-security to gain sovereignty...

- European pilots working for Caldari & Amarr. (But also possible with the two other factions)
- Serious, active and mature pilots, who play on daily basis.
- Skill points higher than trial stage.
- PIlots who are willing to learn and advance quickly.

What we currently offer:
- Tasks and achievements within the corporation.
- Help and guidence when needed.
- Assistence in all kinds of venture.
- Social community.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 02:52:10
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