

Knights Templar Productions
Name Knights Templar Productions
Ticker T-PR.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rubush
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 706679597

Members [3]


u'-- This corporation is closed temporarily --

\u2590\u2629\u2590 Knights Templar Productions\u2590\u2629\u2590

We are a bunch of people living in wormholes and earning shitloads of cash while enjoying the challenges of nullsec combined with the benefits of highsec.

Just like the real templars (who invented the credit card) we recruit warriors aswell as businessmen:

We need:
\u2022 Mission Runners / Salvagers
\u2022 Miners
\u2022 Industrialists
\u2022 PVPers

We offer:
\u2022 Wormhole exploration
\u2022 Adventures (sleepers, missions, pirates trying to rape us, us raping people in connected wormholes)
\u2022 Mining (Arkonor/Fullerite in w-space)
\u2022 Production & manufacturing (got our own lab which YOU can use for free!)
\u2022 Ventrilo

>>>>Join [Knights-Templar], our public channel<<<<'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 07:31:28
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API J:27 Feb 08:36 K:27 Feb 08:32 C:27 Feb 09:17 A:27 Feb 09:16 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Feb 09:00 S:27 Feb 08:38 W:27 Feb 09:15