

Komni Corporation
Name Komni Corporation
Ticker KOMNI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Pierre Allendreau
Members 1
Tax Rate 5.2%
corporationID 98353474

Members [1]


u'The Komni Corporation is founded by Kaimo Nayen, once a respected businessman in real estate market whose success brought his company a multi-billion portfolio and almost a consultant chair in Chief Executive Panel. However due to mismanagement of his son and the former CEO of the corporation, Shojin, company was taken over by Guristas agents. History books and business journals mentioning these events about Komni Corporation, can be found in many libraries within the State and the Federation. After much effort Kaimo and his family managed to regain the reins of the corporation, however during the timeframe which this criminal organization administered, corporation gained infamy as a criminal organization and it\'s assets were taken over almost entirely by SuVee. Kaimo\'s reputation alone couldn\'t revive the corporation and now it has but just a glimpse of it\'s former glory. Starting from scratch Komni Corporation withdrew from real-estate market and focuses on transportation, security contracting and industry, however corporation recently constructed an advanced laboratory starbase and recruited quite a few scientists which hints on the future plans of the corporation. After an armed conflict with the terrorist organization going by the name \'CODE.\' and the destruction of one of their flagships \'Maserati\' majority of board members voted to cease activities in Caldari Space and move the corporation to somewhere less hectic. Komni Corporation moved their offices to Mayonhen Constellation with the suggestion of their chief research officer Pierre Allendreau and their new CEO Monica Belluci and signed a security contract with CBD Corporation in Chibi solar system.

\u271c Komni History vol.1
\u271c Komni History vol.2

Komni Corporation Public Relations Channel: K\u272aMNI

Recruitment and Diplomacy: Monica & Latetia'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 16:26:06
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