

La Licorne Incorporee
Name La Licorne Incorporee
Ticker LINQC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo JS Amarr
Members 3
Tax Rate 9.9%
corporationID 98173805

Members [3]


u'*English Follows*

\xab La licorne est devenue l\u2019un des embl\xe8mes les plus utilis\xe9s par les seigneurs et chevaliers \xe0 partir du XVIIe si\xe8cle, elle symbolisait leurs vertus car "sa noblesse d\u2019esprit est telle qu\u2019elle pr\xe9f\xe8re mourir qu\u2019\xeatre captur\xe9e vivante, en quoi la licorne et le vaillant chevalier sont identiques"[...]. Bien que les licornes h\xe9raldiques portent parfois un collier et des morceaux de chaines, qui peuvent \xeatre interpr\xe9t\xe9s comme un signe de servitude, elles ne sont jamais repr\xe9sent\xe9es attach\xe9es, ce qui montre qu\'elles ont rompu leur servitude et ne peuvent \xeatre prises \xe0 nouveau. \xbb

Parloir Public : LINQC.FR

Recrutement : JS Amarr
CEO : Taren Tula


\xab The unicorn became a symbol commonly used by the lords and knights from the seventeenth century, it symbolized their virtues as "nobility of mind is such that it would rather die than be captured alive, how the unicorn and the valiant knight are identical "[...]. Although heraldic unicorns are sometimes a necklace and pieces of chains, which can be interpreted as a sign of servitude, they are never shown attached, which shows that they have broken their servitude and can not be taken again. \xbb

Public chatroom : LINQC.ENG

Recruitment : Bethany Mishi
CEO : Taren Tula'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 20:14:06
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