

Last Endeavor LLC
Optimistic Wasteland
Name Last Endeavor LLC
Ticker LAED
Alliance Optimistic Wasteland
Faction -
Ceo Christian MacCallum
Members 51
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98593419

Members [51]


Space, cold and vast - unforgiving, unrelenting where no man chooses to be yet industrilists and the dreamer continue to seek their fourtune. The Last Endeavor LLC was formed by lost and desperate adventurers seeking not only wealth, but a chance at imorality. Comprised of pilots from all races the Last Endeavor continues to seek fellow adventurers to explor and experience all that the great expance can offer.

Our Mission: Is to survive and prosper by risikng all - as we navigate mysterious new space mine rare ore - develop greater industy thru Sciences and make new friends - all while remaining battle ready through training in various combat missions and hunting down those who dare challange our move deeper into the eye of EVE's heart
1. Ore Buy back Program
2. Null sec ore at it's best
3. PVP opportunities you will want to record -
4. Rating like no other
5. Inter Alliance Market System - Buy anything EVE has to offer

Mission running
Moon Mining
Weekly Mining Event
Games and Prizes
All Industrial -

COMS: Team Speak

If you have been invited to join our endeavor - you are fourtunate. There are many companies in EVE but few like this one.

______All ex military or active duty are encouraged to apply_____

Want to Chat with us about joing our corp - OPTIMISTIC RECRUITING

Is your corp interested in joining our alliance - OPS-Diplo

See you in space - Agavon The Ghost

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 21:10:39
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