

League of Marginally Above Average Gentlepersons
Name League of Marginally Above Average Gentlepersons
Ticker LMAAG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo ProbeNgo
Members 5
Tax Rate 11%
corporationID 1678160962

Members [5]


Amarr space is in danger once again from foreign threats..The emperor has entrusted us to defend the motherland from the enemies... The heretics have made our empire look like a growing threat to the stability of this galaxy... :How dare they!" This has been done by the Gallente and Minmitar sinful life and propaganda against our beautiful peaceful home land. Minmitar raids against our un-arm peaceful villages have claim enought lifes. The coruption within our new growing corperations have corupted our leaders... The Caldari state fund war is a fail war that does not do enought to defeat our enemies... This was a made up war to create profit within Caldari arm production corperations... The light of Amarr needs to shine and cast out all enemies, and coruption out of our systems... Our gloriouse empire will shine and bring this Galaxy back to peace. We will burn our enemies with te light of God...

We will push the enemy out of our boarder and break our treaties if we must... We need to keep our culture and traditon safe... For the sinful ways is nothing but a destructive life style... We are the pure and the rightouse who will keep on fighting our empire secret war.

For the past milanium technology advances has helped us refit our identidies for secret intellgences and espionage... We are Amarr we are Brothers and Sister in this war. We are under CVA's Flag... For the Empeor.

Somos parte de la Alliancia COALICION HISPANA
Hablamos 100% Espanol.

SI eres Minero tenemos corporaciones para Mineria, Si eres PVP/PVE tenemos Corporaciones para PVE/PVP

Esta Corporacion se dedica a Minar Cuerpos...
Dejenme un Mensaje "Gonzalez". Recuerden antes de entrar a una de las Corporacion princiaples nesesitan pasar por corporaciones de pruebas.. Pa mas preguntas dejenme un mensaje; ya que esta corporacion se enfoca mas en PvP y PvE. Pero tenemos corporacion pa Mineria como dije, Esta Allancia es echa por corporaciones que asemos una identidad asi que no los peliamos por miembros somos Hispanos.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 02:06:21
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