

Leander Corporation
Name Leander Corporation
Ticker VALYK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo KcoN Nintae
Members 9
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98308761

Members [9]


u"Odin placed Hrist into a deep sleep after she refused to claim a soul destined for Valhalla, and took one that was destined for Niflheim instead. He further cursed her to fall in love with a mortal; she convinced him to mitigate the curse so that she would fall in love with the greatest of mortal heroes. He then placed her inside a cave in Midgard, and surrounded her with a circle of fire.

Not long after slaying Fafnir, Sigurd learned of Hrist and vowed to claim her. He discovered the location of her cave and rode his horse through the ring of fire. He found the sleeping Valkyrie lying on a bier, and cut away her armor. Hrist awoke, and instantly fell in love with Sigurd. They agreed to marry, and Sigurd rode away to announce their betrothal, Hrist following soon after. To signify this, Sigurd gave her a ring he had claimed from Fafnir. He was unaware that it was the ring of Andvari. This ring was cursed to bring tragedy upon its wearer.

Sigurd went to the hall of Heimir and stayed for a time, resting to return home. This hall happened to the home of Hrist\u2019s foster father, Hrist returned there soon after, prompting Sigurd to follow up on his betrothal. Hrist told him that he would marry another woman, no matter how much they loved each other. Sigurd refused to believe that, and set out soon after to return home and announce their betrothal and vowed to return for her.

As he rode toward his next stop, the hall of King Gjuki, Gjuki\u2019s daughter, Gudrun, began to have dreams of a golden hawk. She visited Hrist at Heimir\u2019s hall to have them interpreted. Hrist told Gudrun quite bluntly that she would come between the Valkyrie and Sigurd. At the same time, Sigurd reached Gjuki's hall, and freely shared Fafnir\u2019s treasure with them.

Gjuki\u2019s wife Grimhild, a sorceress, decided that Sigurd should marry Gudrun. She had heard Sigurd speak of Hrist, but she knew how to circumvent Sigurd\u2019s previous commitment. She convinced King Gjuki to allow this, and he agreed. Grimhild drew some ale for Sigurd, and mixed in a potion of forgetfulness. Sigurd drank this, and forgot all about Hrist. Gudrun returned home soon after, and both fell madly in love, despite Gudrun\u2019s vow not to do so.

Hrist went back to her bier within the circle of flames in sorrow, and returned to her cursed sleep. However, King Gjuki decided that his son, Gunnar, should wed the Valkyrie. However, Gunnar was not brave enough to walk through the wall of flames, so Queen Grimhild cast a spell to let Sigurd and Gunnar change bodies. Sigurd went, and convinced Hrist to marry Gunnar. When Hrist was asleep, Sigurd took Andvari\u2019s ring from her and gave her Gunnar\u2019s ring.

Both weddings progressed, and Hrist came to Gjuki's castle, where she encountered Sigurd again. He did not remember their earlier betrothal at all, much to Hrist\u2019s dismay. Later, she learned from Gudrun that Sigurd had switched bodies with Gunnar when Gunnar had come to ask the Valkyrie\u2019s hand. Hrist could not accept that Sigurd had caused her to betray her original vow to marry him, and resolved to avenge this.

She convinced Gunnar to murder Sigurd, saying that Sigurd would betray him. Gunnar did not want to betray his friend, so he got his brother Hogni to attack Sigurd in his sleep. At Sigurd\u2019s funereal pyre, Hrist threw herself onto the fire and perished."

Sovereignty systems [0]

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Last Update: 2025-02-22 08:51:04
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