

Legacy of Kings
Name Legacy of Kings
Ticker LEGK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Steph011
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 586537115

Members [5]


Legacy of Kings

Legacy of Kings is a freidnly Corporation present mainly in Empire Space. We are operating specially in Amarr and Caldari Space but we are also present in minmatar.

We are Industrial and PVE Pilots but we are also open to PVP Character even if we aren't really oriented toward pvp yet.

We are pilots that want to play peacefully. The Teamwork is also very important in our corporation but not a requirement.

It is however strognly recommanded in order to help each other to reach the Personnals and Corporation Goals.

We have a low-tax Policy wich involve a maximum of 2.5% Tax Rate. This also mean that the tax is between 0.5% and 2.5% at any time.

The main income come from the volontary contribution and the work done by our management team to earn ISK with our funds. We don't force anyone to contribute but we however encourage this with some rewards programs.

Everyone has the right to vote and give their opinion and all opinion has the same importance. The reason is simply that we are a group of players playing togheter and we need to do our best to make the game experience with us as great as possible.

We still have a leadership structure with volonteers that accept to spend some of their time to look after the Corporation and to manage the programs availables to support our members.

The main objective is to make the Corporation grow even faster, to make the management easier and to have even more operations going on every months.

Everyone that meet our pre-requises are welcome to join us and this include new players.

The main objective is to provide to new and older people severals advantages that can help them to earn more isk in Eve and to have access to differents things they wouldn't have usually.

Here an overview of what we wants to do (or doing already) :
- Weekly Mining Ops
- Weekly Mission Running Ops
- Refining Program
- Minerals Purchase Program
- High-Sec Hauling(Coming soon)
- Internal Market (Coming Soon)
- Bank
- Originals Blueprints
- More will come eventually :)

What we are doing or intend to do :
- Mission Running
- Mining
- Manufacturing
- Trade
- Research and Developpement
- Invention (eventually)
- P.O.S Management (Eventually)
- Low Sec Operations (eventually)

We are mainly looking for pilots who are doing PVE and anything that touch Industrial sector of the game. If you are interrested in what we're doing and meet our requirements, you are welcome!

Requirements :
- Active
- No minimum SP Requirements
- Trial Accounts and new players welcome
- Friendly players
- No beggars
- No Pirates
- 0.0 or higher personnal Security (there can be exception)
- Any Timezone Welcome

** We have mainly Eu/ Us timezone Members for now

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 20:54:15
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