

Legio Comitatenses Dalmatia
Name Legio Comitatenses Dalmatia
Ticker DCLIV
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Bourdiac Chastot
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98710683

Members [3]


Corporation Bookmarks
In Corp Bookmarks (BM) you'll find various folders:
'0 Chain' has everything found through the static HS (but not adjacent HS systems as Pathfinder won't track this)
'1 Chain' has everything found through the static C3 and within the 'Chain 1'
'2 Chain' is the 1st k162 or named hole chain that spawns
'3 Chain' is the 2nd etc.

Our WH is called 'HOME'. WHs going down a chain are numbered sequentially. i.e. the static c3 is the '1', the 1st hole found there is the '11', the 4th hole is the '14' etc. and as you go deeper you just keep adding numbers. e.g. if you are in the '134' you have gone from Home, to the static C3, then through the 3rd hole found there, then through the 4th hole found in the next system. THIS is an example of numbering in use. Bookmarks are presented in this format:

symbol destinationWH# sig ID wormhole type

Symbols used:
!! A WH leading back down the chain toward HOME (always at the top of the list for gtfo purposes)
>> A WH going somewhere up the current chain
# A unique prefix only used for the inbound and outbound HS static connection

!! KHB < HOME = Would be a wormhole with the sig ID 'KHB' leading back to HOME.
>> 13 BJR > C3 = Would be a wormhole with the sig ID 'BJR' in the static C3 that goes to the 3rd wormhole found there.

All HOME and TRADEHUBS tactical BMs, perches and safespots are now located in the 'TACTICALS' folder. All chain tacticals go into the corresponding '# Chain' folder.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-01 09:19:52
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