

Legion X Machina
Name Legion X Machina
Ticker L.X.M
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Marcus Hellborne
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1094085810

Members [6]


u'The dream was dying! What Sansha and his followers had worked so hard for many years to create, was almost completely destroyed. But why did it have to be this way? Why couldn\u2019t the others see? The Nation was not an abomination, it was the closest thing to perfection that Eve had seen. A society where each had his own well defined place, into a position from which he could do the most to benefit the rest of his peers. A society where man joined machine in perfection, joining human ingenuity and creativity with machine logic and precision. But of course, the other empires had not seen it this way. They all cried about slavery, and joined together in a crusade of righteousness, the put a stop to the \u201cevil nation\u201d. They were afraid of course, seeing slavery were there was none, fearing that the lure of the dream would somehow spread into their own domains, converting more and more of their own citizens. Despite the fa\xe7ade of destroying a tyrant, and freeing its people, underneath all that glittering crap of good intentions, there were more selfish reasons\u2026\u2026there had to be! After all, hasn\u2019t the universe taught us already that things such as mercy, kindness even goodness, were all unnatural; they were mere illusions designed to allow human society to function, nice tales that would keep the unknowing masses in a deep slumber, allowing the elites to manipulate them in every way they wished. The Caldari were scared by the high-quality, state of the art products that were manufactured by True Slave plants, fearing their precious shares would drop. The Gallente president and his clique of senators needed good PR in foreign policies since elections were coming up, and nothing could satisfy a Gallente citizen more than feeling good about himself, for doing the right \u201cthing\u201d, like ending the Nation\u2019s dream. The Amarr, the biggest hypocrites of them all, who had sponsored some of Sansha\u2019s implant research projects, simply wanted to cover their tracks. Their fleets had quite suspiciously mainly targeted and destroyed the stations were these joint projects had taken place. Out of them all, perhaps the Minmatar could not be blamed for their reaction. They were after all a race traumatized by slavery, and this prevented them from seeing the truth, that the Nation did not enslave, that the implants were not forced upon its people, that they did not offer slavey but perfection. Even so, the Minmatar felt no empathy for their \u201cfellow victims\u201d, killing them in their millions, then pillaging every scrap of technology they could find.
The dream was dying! The Nation was dying! But it would not be the end. Sansha had considered the narrowed mindedness of the other empires, and just in case of such an invasion, he had taken certain steps. Dormant stations were set-up in uncharted space, evacuation plans were made for the brightest of the military and science departments, and other vital elements of the Nation\u2019s society that would be needed to keep the dream alive. Legion X Machina was not among them. A regular fleet formation, in the desperate months of fighting the invaders it had mainly seen action in secondary battles, the follow-ups or the openings of the huge clashes of the Armadas. The Legion had done well, however it had been badly mauled. Being deemed by Sansha command as a second line unit it had not received many replacements, and even those that did get to them, were fresh recruits, that had only the instruction manuals and protocols in their implants to guide them around Legion ships. The Legion did all that it could, but it was futile. Their last action was to cover the retreat of the convoys carrying the \u201cvital seeds\u201d of a new Sansha dream. It managed that quite well, but it was almost wiped out in the process.
But that is all in the past now. The Legion took refuge in empire space, a small, unnoticed, regular corp in the big empire. But it would not stay so for long.

The dream was dead! But a nightmare was now born!!!


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:38:29
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