

Legion of Heresy
Name Legion of Heresy
Ticker 4HORS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jocus
Members 10
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98055289

Members [10]



A perfect harmony of members to gain and achieve goals as a individuals and as a community, forged as one legion believing in nothing and nobody except for that what you have workt with your own hands for. True heresy Ruled by example under a board of direction in a Democratic based corparation. Our aims can be your aims.

* PvP
* Mining
* Incursion
* PI
* WH ops
* Manafactury
* Trading
* Diplomatical (3th party solutions)
* Pilot Schooling

We have:

* Skillfull and knowledgeable people that help
* Teamspeak & Website
* Multible orca support (full %)
* Manafacturing tools to make and contribute what you want

We are one family community that are non egocentric. Willing to help eachoter out in both time and knowledge. We form one legion. individuality, ego and elite-ism know no place with us. Or do you rather play the game alone with nobody that has your back? nobody to share your knowledge with? nobody to talk about your amazing conquests!

Loyalty, Knowledge, and Vigalance!

join our public channel: "Heretic public" or visit (normal browers, flash based website)

~ We stand uinited!, And die Divided! ~

\xa9 Corporation Original & Official \xae
Verified by Legion of Heresy'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-28 06:33:09
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