Agence Leitastjarn* est un regroupement de joueurs francophones dont l\'int\xe9ret et la seule v\xe9ritable ambition est la d\xe9couverte d\'EVE Online et de New Eden.
Leitastjarn* Agency is a small regroument of french speaking players whose interest and anly real ambition is to discover EVE Online and New Eden.
*qui signifie \xe0 peu pr\xe8s "chercheurs d\'\xe9toiles" en vieux norois/islandais / which roughly mean "seekers of stars" in old Norse/icelandic
Canal publique/Public channelPour toute question ou demande concernant le groupe, outre le CEO vous pouvez aussi contacter l\'un des personnages suivants:
For any question or demand concerning the group, beside the CEO, you can aslo contact one of the following characters:
teyla atlantideshepard atlantideLens Hoyt'
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 10:25:52