

Nightshade Alliance
Name Leucite
Ticker LEUC
Alliance Nightshade Alliance
Faction -
Ceo Jeretomi
Members 32
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 98144843

Members [32]


Leucite is currently a small outfit, and we are particularly on the look out for miners, haulers and builders to help bolster our industrial output.

New EVE players and those returning to the game are particularly welcome.

We have a very laid-back and 'freelance' attitude to the game, and encourage our members to 'do their own thing' as much as contributing to corp events.

o Based in Caldari Space.
o Operate in High and Low Sec.
o Mining ops - belts, anomolies, moon and ice.
o Ore buyback program.
o Planetary Industry.
o Contribute to corp industry projects.
o Co-op mission running and ratting.
o No minimum skill level required....all levels of player welcome!
o Plenty of support for new and returning players - we will even help you move home!

So, if you like the sound of this convo us in game and we will try and answer any questions you may have.

Why not join us in our public chat channel : Leucite

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 16:18:45
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