

Liandri Sanctuary Corps
Name Liandri Sanctuary Corps
Ticker TOPH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Leyvin Tesio
Members 2
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98152958

Members [2]


u'Liandri Sanctuary Corps. (DEDSE: TOPH) is a Naval Reserve focused on Training and Deployment of Sovereignty Security for the State Protectorate.

Primarily this does not specifically involve operation on the Front Lines, instead means being posted across disputed space for either Defensive, Offensive, Orbital and Police Operations in a Supportive Role.

Acting as both a Proving Ground for Hopeful Experienced Recruits and as a Place for Veterans to take a more background Role within the Alliance; Sanctuary provides a more relaxed and less demanding Environment compared to the other Corporations that expect greater involvement in Daily Affairs of the Alliance.

Those with Less Experience or whom do not meet with the critera below are recommended to Apply to Liandri Academy instead, where Pilots are provided Support and Training to better handle the dangers of New Eden and Naval Service.

Leyvin Tesio is the current Chief Executive Officer
Alaskan Sticky is the current Vice Executive Officer

Applicants must:
\u2022 Have a minimum of 6 Million SP
\u2022 Have an Omega Account
\u2022 Have a Mic, Access to Liandri Discord (Voice Verification)
\u2022 Have greater than One Month within Caldari or Amarr Milita*
\u2022 Minimum Once Per Month Play Session

- Applications are not a Guarentee of Acceptance
* Prior to Application. Special Circumstances can result in Waiver.

For more information feel free to use our public communication channel Liandri Embassy'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:03:00
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