

Light tech incorporated
Name Light tech incorporated
Ticker 1990
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo slugfed
Members 9
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 523038400

Members [9]


We are a corporation of friends operating wherever we want, mainly Amarr space and Providence. To apply, you must be halfway mature, and have a good sense of humor (or we will drive you insane).

We are Seeking Pot heads!!!, Tweekers, Speedballers, Chronic Masturbaters, Pregnant Teenages!!!, carpet munchers, Sports Fiends, Lazy people, Gear heads, streekers!!, newbile skinny dippers, eve-tards!!!, All are welcome.

Eve is A game, games are supposed to be fun! But corps in eve are not fun.... we all know this... People play this game like its life... and life is not fun!!

Fun is getting 70people in shuttles and trying to get past a goon gatecamp and see there face's turn red. Fun is getting 40 industrial ships a raping a megathron in lowsec. Fun is getting 300 people in frigets and taking down a carrier. Fun is taking 100 industrial ships full of cargo cans and jetting them all in jita, making the server freez. Fun is opening 88 cynos in a popular lowec system and watching everyone Ask ccp if its a glitch!

There is just One thing keeping us from having "fun" and thats you! Join this corp and help us reach a goal of 200members so we can start doing some fun dumb shit!

"What's a better way to get to know everyone than a drunken mining Op?"

Ambassador Chevere
For recruitment info slugsnott {Ceo}

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 16:36:45
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