u'We are the Limitless Moxies.
What do we believe? We believe that the capsuleers of New Eden must fight against the prevailing tides of savagery and destruction. We believe the true \u2018good fight\u2019 is found by ensuring that the least among us have the space and security to live and thrive. We believe that we must all pod together, or we shall certainly be podded apart.
What do we provide? To the inhabitants of New Eden, we provide industrial infrastructure, production, and security to ensure the freedom of movement, commerce, and enjoyment in the systems we occupy. For our comrades and allies, we offer our guns, our ships, and our resolve. For our members, we offer the full support of the corporation in guidance and materiel to foster the rapid development of the Moxies.
How is this accomplished? By mining only the finest locally sourced ore and maintaining a growing library of BPO\u2019s for corporate use. This allows for market opportunities to be exploited, armament production to keep our miners, explorers, and warriors flying, and enables the Limitless Moxies to operate in remote and hazardous systems.
MOXY Recruiting "Benevolence for the pure of heart; Defiance and terrible fury for the wicked. Now and forever."'