

Lion Guardians Mercenary Corp
Name Lion Guardians Mercenary Corp
Ticker LGSMC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Coopr Niminen
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98095582

Members [6]


The Lion Guardians

The Lion Guardians are a group of mature pilots, building a newly revived corp into the monument it was supposed to be. Founded by veteran pilots from every aspect of EVE. While every industry is open for our members, combat is our main focus. The Lion Guardians are looking for all types of pilots, revive the beast and take part today!

Looking for Pilots in industries: PVP, PVE, Mining, Manufacture and Research, and special fields.

-Life comes first, nobody will harass you because you wanted to go to dinner with your wife instead of nerd it up on EVE.
-Newly revived, you can join the larger corps and blend with the crowd or you can take pride in helping to advance the Lion Guardains!
-Active corp, learderbase on daily and constant news updates
-New-Player friendly! No minimum SP!
-Mature Members, no feeding the trolls.
-FREE SHIPS AND SKILLS for new pilots!
-Regular training ops for all industries.
-L4 Mission Running
-Pub Channel: LG Pub
-No Trial Accounts

Jericho Mironov

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 18:06:34
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