

Lockheed Martin Industrial Division
Name Lockheed Martin Industrial Division
Ticker LMD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Vegas Knight
Members 9
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 154494795

Members [9]


u'We never forget who we are working for.

Top 28 Rules of Wormhole life

1. There is no way not to die. You are going to die.
2. Possibly quickly.
3. Protect yourself from financial ruin by buying and hiding in a PoS
4. Protect your PoS from ruin by having stront and 2-3 weeks of fuel, at least, at all times.
5. Never enter an outgoing or incoming WH without either a fully insured unfitted ship and an alternate route back in, or a scan probe launcher and a shitload of patience.
6. Did I mention you are going to die?
7. The directional is your friend. But it\u2019s a shitty friend. It\u2019s a way around getting ganked so the gankers have ways around it. Expect to die.
8. If you find yourself outside your PoS for any reason, be aligned to a planet.
9. Don\u2019t forget to cloak when scanning.
10. There are people who get their giggles by killing people like you. They are, statistically, much better at killing you than you are at not being killed.
11. Never leave your PoS without some method of getting back to it from highsec. This usually means having a scan alt logged off in system or in the PoS.
12. If you don\u2019t have a scan alt, you may as well kiss your assets goodbye and start waiting for PoS fuel notifications as your base dies cold and alone because you got podded and didn\u2019t have a damn scan alt.
13. Any WH connecting you to somewhere else is a potential threat. Be aware of incoming WHs, because someone opened that door straight to you and you better believe that they\u2019re gonna use it.
14. If you see a ship you don\u2019t recognize on the scanner, run. And possibly alert anyone you happen to be with.
15. If your corp mates say run, run.
16. If your corp mates start shouting, run.
17. if your corp mate types a sentence fragment, spelled poorly, consisting of any two of the following words, run.
\u201cSisters\u201d"fuck\u201d"combat probes\u201d"probes\u201d"directional\u201d"crap\u201d"dead\u201d"podded\u201d"run\u201d"any ship name you or he is not currently flying\u201d"back to pos\u201d"damnit\u201d"ANYTHING in capslock\u201d"gibberish\u201d
18. Pick some symbol on your keyboard, like # or %. Rename all the ships at your pos with that symbol. If you see a ship without that symbol, run. Warning, easily countered.
19. NEVER assume that the designated Dir scanner dude is scanning. If he has a heart attack or takes a piss, you\u2019re fucked and he could just say they had good scan ships.
20. Did I mention you\u2019re going to die?
21. Getting whatever you came for safely inside the PoS does not mean it\u2019s safe. Get it to Jita first, then call it safe.
22. Anchor your hangar and maintenance array next to each other. Bookmark one of them and call it \u201cPoS\u201d warp to it in case of speedy ship swap.
23. Heavy interdictors are small ships that mean you can\u2019t run away, and by the time you see one on the scanner, you\u2019re already fucked.
24. DO NOT BRING A T2 RIGGED FACTION FIT HULK INTO A WH, YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT IF YOU DO SO.(Yes, this has happened. Lost it in under 3 hours. No, it wasn\u2019t me.)
24b. Hell, don\u2019t bring ANYTHING faction fit or t2 rigged unless a) you\u2019re rich enough to buy two more of em or b) you don\u2019t believe in Murphy\u2019s Law.
25. Do not rig your hulk with drone mining augmenters or cargo expander. Use low-friction nozzles, they decrease align time and have saved my ass when there was literally a second difference between getting scrammed by a Loki and getting away.
26. Active tank for sleepers, buffer fit for PvP, mix of both if the site isn\u2019t too hard for gank insurance.
27. If you are attacked during a sleeper run, target the ship and try and scram him. If you didn\u2019t bring scrams to a sleeper fight(understandable) shoot him. The sleepers will eventually switch to him.
28. If a corp mate types\u201dHey, is that your ____\u201d start aligning and getting up to speed with the nearest celestial until clarification is obtained.
29. Last but not least, your going to die...a lot.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 19:59:44
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