

Lord of Worlds
Lord of Worlds Alliance
Name Lord of Worlds
Ticker LOW1
Alliance Lord of Worlds Alliance
Faction -
Ceo Yetson
Members 2
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 98363026

Members [2]


u'Lord of Worlds is the founding corp of Lord of Worlds Alliance, we are currently a High-sec based Corp. We are in the rebuilding stage and are seeking capable people to help grow our organization. The basis for all levels in the corp is to be growing, and being active is our main focus. This is because for us to be strong as a whole can out weigh the few.

Things we offer:
\u261c\u2606\u261e Small Gang PvP
\u261c\u2606\u261e Boosted Mining Fleets
\u261c\u2606\u261e Veteran Fleet Commanders
\u261c\u2606\u261e FC Training
\u261c\u2606\u261e New Player Friendly

Recruiting Status:[Always] US.BASED

Basic Requirements for the Corporation:
\u261c\u2606\u261e Looking to grow and learn!

For Recruitment/Diplomacy contact Miyashiro5 Miyagi or join our recruitment channel LoW Recruiting'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 10:27:25
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