

Lords of Chaos Inc.
Name Lords of Chaos Inc.
Ticker L.OCI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kahani
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 140136867

Members [3]


Not responsible for damages

Chaos - and Blueprint copies

Super Carriers
AEON 8/10 (4 copies @ 8/0)
NYX 8/12
Wyvern 8/10

Rorqual 9/12 (3 copies @ 9/0)
Orca 9/12

Archon 9/14
Chimera 9/14
Nidhoggur 9/10

Naglfar 9/14
Phoenix 9/14
Revelation 9/14

Astrahus 9/16

T1 Battleships - Various
Abaddon 10/10
Apocalypse 10/10
Armageddon 10/10
Dominix 10/10
Hyperion 10/10
Maelstrom 10/10
Megathron 10/10
Raven 10/14
Scorpion 10/10
Tempest 10/10
Typhoon 10/10

BattleCruisers - Various
Brutix 10/10
Cyclone 10/14
Drake 10/14
Ferox 10/14
Harbinger 10/14
Hurricane 10/14
Myrmidon 10/14
Prophecy 10/14

We have a blueprint library of around 530 Ships and in game items. If you need a blueprint copy reach out to us for stock/time/prices.

EVEMAIL - Kahani

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 19:26:21
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